Wake Up Sleepyhead
My alarm clock went off at 5:00am today. I had a job interview at 6:00am. It's currently 7:00am. I had planned to go back to bed once I got home, but I found myself as awake as ever. It might've been the coffee I had on the drive... but I honestly think I would have been just as perky without it. You see, as much as in theory I don't like waking up early, I absolutely love it. If you find yourself puzzling over the fact that no matter how late you sleep in you still can't find the energy to make it through the day, I was right there with you. Especially on my days off I wouldn't even set an alarm clock, I just let myself wake up whenever I felt like it. In the moment it feels like the best thing ever. But I usually found myself exhausted by 3 in the afternoon. Was it because the night before I'd stay up until 1am? I mean, after all, if I was going to sleep until 10 I was still getting 8 hours, right? Well, it really wasn't the best ...