But Do They Like Me
For as long as I can remember I've had one instinct that has stood out more so than others. It wasn't to do right, it wasn't to do things my way, it wasn't even to be happy. All I wanted was to be liked. Not loved, just liked. Approved of, one of the cool kids, as they say. If I stood out or felt too different from those around me I became incredibly insecure. When skinny jeans became the "in" thing, you bet I wanted a pair. If I didn't know the latest and greatest songs on the radio that my friends knew by heart, I felt left out. For years I've struggled with this lack of confidence all stemming from the desire to be liked by others. And it's brought me to a bit of a miserable state, to say the least. It's too much of a burden, always caring what goes on in the heads of other people. Especially when you know in your heart, this isn't who you want to be. Deep down I longed to be able to desire only the approval of Our Lor...