Oh Joy
If you're an Eeyore like me, joy doesn't come so naturally to us. Anyone who has a stronger melancholic personality knows that even a smile takes a bit of effort, let alone being joyful in all things. See, we aren't naturally happy a lot of the time, and if we aren't happy, where's the joy in that? But without joy, life just seems to be a bit of a miserable existence, doesn't it? That's why it's so important to be joyful even without happiness. Joy isn't a feeling. Happiness is an emotion, but joy is a choice, and a virtue. It's a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and therefore can be felt even in the darkness of life if you're in a state of grace. But joy isn't always the easiest to achieve when you're stuck in a rut. Trust me, I've been there more times than 1, or 100. So how do you overcome your melancholy when it seems to outweigh all the joy buried inside you? Try smiling. Smile at the person you walk by on the street. Smile...